About us

Dear Valued customer, we are a small and exclusive company but with quite a few years of experience in good taste, lots of internet trolling, ex bulk fashion magazine researchers and general fashionistas. Yes, we love beautiful things, yes, we love good quality but no, we do not like breaking the bank to pay for it. We believe that you can look like a million dollars, without paying a million dollars.

We are born and bred South Africans and we are based in Johannesburg. We want to give you a better shopping experience, with more exclusivity, but also good service, and dealing with honesty and integrity. We want YOU to become your own Princess. You must walk into a room and know that you look the best, the classiest and the most stylish…the way life was meant for you. Your fabulosity must shine as bright as the fashion items you obtained from us.

We aim to please and with you as our fellow Princess client, we are very interested in your recommendations and suggestions.  We want you to come back and do what Princesses do best which is …..shop shop shop!